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How to Make Coffee with a Bodum French Press

Today’s coffee enthusiasts have so many options when it comes to making a good cup of coffee. From fancy espresso machines to inexpensive plastic coffee drippers, and to the in-betweens – like the iconic Bodum French press coffee makers.

Bodum was created by Peter Bodum in 1944. He launched his company in Copenhagen and since then, Bodum has made a name in homes across 55 countries around the globe. The Bodum French Press comes in different price range, shapes and designs, colors and sizes.

The French press is one of the fastest and easiest ways to make a good cup of coffee. In fact, we rotate between using a French press, pour over and Aeropress on a regular basis.

Here are 2 popular Bodum French Presses: 

Bodum Brazil French Press

Chambord French Press

The functions of both French presses are the same. The only two main differences are the design and price. The Chambord French press is slightly more expensive. The lid and material surrounding the body are made of stainless steel. Chambord looks shiny, sleek and classy.

The lid, base and handle of the Brazil French press are constructed out of plastic. Both are made with heat-resistant borosilicate glass.

Here’s how to make coffee with an 8-cup Bodum French press:

  1. Grind the coffee beans with a burr grinder – coarse or medium ground.
  2. Bring water to a boil. It’s best to have water around 200-205 F.
  3. Place dry Brazil french press pot on a dry surface and remove plunger unit.

  1. Add 1 heaping tablespoon of ground coffee for 1 cup (8 oz) of coffee. Or use the spoon that came with your Bodum French press.
  2. Pour in the hot water and make sure you still have at least 1 inch of space at the top. Stir and place the plunger but don’t press down yet.
  3. Let it sit for 4-5 minutes. Slowly press the plunger down.
  4. Enjoy!
Add ground coffee to the canister, add water, place plunger but don’t press down. After 4 minutes slowly press the plunger down. Pour the coffee and enjoy.

Note: French presses are dishwasher safe but we prefer to hand wash.

Besides the popular Brazil and Chambord models, Bodum also offers the  Young Press and Caffettiera in multiple colors.

Where to Buy a Bodum French Press

What is your favorite method to make your favorite cup of coffee? 

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