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Apollo Chef Manual Coffee Grinder Review

How often do you grind your coffee beans? Or have you ever bought whole coffee beans?

There is the Rule of Fifteens, which says,
“Green/raw coffee beans are fresh for 15 months.”
“Roasted coffee beans are fresh for 15 days.”
“Ground coffee is fresh for 15 minutes!”

Ground coffee loses its flavor and aroma very quickly, so it is recommended to grind whole coffee beans and use within 15 minutes. Coffee grinders play a significant role in the coffee making process. It is the single most important piece of equipment that grinds your coffee beans to a uniform size for optimal extraction.

There are several types of coffee grinders available in the market ranging from a simple blade grinder to a high-end burr grinder, distinguished mainly by the grinding mechanism and features.

A blade grinder is an electric coffee grinder which uses a fast-spinning metal blade to chop coffee beans. It is affordable, but grind consistency might be an issue. Also, heat generated from the spinning metal blade often destroys the aroma of the coffee during the grinding process.

Then it comes to an electric burr grinder which is a precision defined type of grinder. It uses teeth-like sharp cutting surfaces and chops up the coffee in a more controlled manner, thus resulting in more consistent grinds. However, burr grinders don’t come cheap.

Last but not least, if you are willing to forego an electric grinder, a manual hand operated grinder is your answer/solution. It is an inexpensive small piece of equipment that uses Burr as the grinding mechanism.

Here, I am reviewing a manual coffee grinder by Apollo Chef

This is a sleek and stylish well-designed coffee grinder. It is beautifully wrapped in brushed stainless steel on the outside while the internal grinding mechanism uses a conical ceramic burr which produces better grind consistency.


The ceramic burr is adjustable with a simple turning knob to either coarser or finer grind. You can make espresso, pour over, drip coffee, French press, or any coffee with this small equipment. It also fits into an Aeropress and can grind your coffee directly into the Aeropress.


Very little noise. And great if you have roommates and don’t want to wake up the whole house in the morning.


Slow, but enjoyable. Great if you have spare time to run the entire course.


Will last a long time due to its construction, fewer moving parts, and quality of the equipment.


Low maintenance. Easy clean up with a brush.


Small and highly portable. The grinding chamber fits approximately 25g of beans which yield 1-2 cups of coffee at a time. It is ideal for traveling, hiking, camping, picnic, outdoor activities, and more.


The Apollo Chef grinder is a very affordable manual coffee grinder that won’t break your bank.

Here is a photo of a complete teardown of the Apollo Chef grinder.

The quality of all parts is considered good with this price point.

I have three piles of ground coffee using different settings from the grinder, and all of them can achieve grind consistency.


  1. Bottom ground catcher is not a snug fit and will fall out during the grinding process if not held securely.
  2. The manual coffee grinder is for people that prefer fresh brew, and for people that enjoy the process of grinding and brewing a fresh cup of coffee.


This grinder is inexpensive at $21.99 and highly portable. It is an excellent piece of equipment worth keeping. Happy brewing!

Note: The Apollo Chef Manual Coffee Grinder was provided for this review. Opinions are our own.

Review and photos by Latte Art Guy

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