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Coffee and Books for a Better Life

Are you a reader? An article titled The Decline of the American Book Lover reported a study done by the Pew Research Center. The report indicated nearly a quarter of American adults had not read a single book in the past year. The number of non-readers has tripled since 1978.

Mark Twain said, “the man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot read.”

So two months ago we wrote about the books we read and our challenge of reading at least 50 books per person this year. The quest continues and we are quite proud of ourselves.

Get your coffee, sit back, relax and here are the 5 books we’d love to share with you:

1. Level Up Your Life by Steve Kamb

Steve Kamb is the founder of Nerd Fitness. He spent hours during his college years and after college playing games online until he found his passion. He said “I can promise you that “eventually” never happens, and that “someday” never comes.”

If you have a dream and have a desire to change your life, the time is now. He said most of us love gathering information and knowledge but when it comes time to implementing, we find ourselves stuck or giving excuses. The key to success is to take action.

One sentence that caught our attention at the beginning of the book was “spend 10 percent of your time and effort on Phase 1, and 90 percent on trying out the new things you are learning.”

To find out what these phases are, get his book here.

2. The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing by Marie Kondo

Have you ever found yourself keeping clothes you never wear? Marie Kondo wrote in her book, “starting today, break the habit of downgrading clothes that don’t thrill you to loungewear.”

This book is about decluttering. But more so, it is about our relationship with clothes and things around the house. The author suggested asking this important question when making a decision about an item in your home: “Does this spark joy?”

It’s a fascinating book filled with great ideas to declutter and gain more space in your mind and home. Get it at

3. It’s Not What You Think by Jefferson Bethke

In chapter 2, the author shared, “when I was growing up, I thought tattoos were a bad thing…” Have you been told that lie too? That’s just one of many lies being told about what you believe or don’t believe. This unconventional book debunked many beliefs and common practices found in churches today that were not typical in the first century church.

The author quoted JRR Tolkien’s words: “If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold it would be a merrier world!” If we spend a few quiet moments each day drinking coffee, reading and writing in a gratitude journal, we may improve the quality of our lives.

This book is for you if you are searching for answers on what you believe. You can get it at

4. #GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso

This book is inspirational, practical and easy to read. It is a must-read for elementary, middle school and high school teachers, counselors and principals. Parents and teens would benefit from this book too. It’s written by’s founder, Sophia Amoruso.


#GIRLBOSS  shows that you can create your own successes even if you don’t follow ‘normal’ ways. Get it at

5. Home Sweet Anywhere by Lynne Martin

This book is about how a couple sold their home and almost everything and travel the world. Their motto: Postpone Nothing! really resonates with us. You’ll read the couple’s travel stories and about their nomadic lifestyle in Mexico, Buenos Aires, Turkey, Paris, Italy, Britain, Ireland, Morocco, and Portugal. Also a short account of the road trip to Mexico and Transatlantic Cruise from the US to Europe.

Find inspiration for your life in this memoir by Lynne Martin.

Get the book here.

Have you read these books yet? Or do you have a list of books to share? We love to hear from you so we can create better content. Tell us more here.

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