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50 Reasons to Drink Coffee Every Day


Has anyone ever told you that coffee is not good for you?

Good or bad, we have the answers for you. In fact, we have 50 reasons you should drink coffee every day. We are referring to black coffee (no added sugar, milk, or cream).

If you’ve been following us closely (and if you aren’t, why not?) you’ll recall we started this blog with a weekly column called Twitter Updates. In this article, we thought it would be great to revisit Twitter to find out what coffee drinkers, coffee experts, and the media have to say about drinking coffee.

Here they are:

Dr. Mercola has a list of benefits of drinking coffee on his website which you may want to visit. Read Benefits of Drinking Black Coffee.

1. May protect against type 2 diabetes

2. May help with Parkinson’s Disease

3. Benefits the brain

4. Contains phenolic acid – an antioxidant that may help lift your mood

5. May help clean arteries by reducing calcium deposits

Inc article 11 Scientific Reasons to Drink More Coffee written by Geoffrey James makes us smile. Why? We love it and these are the benefits listed in the article:

6. Reduce pain and delay muscle injury

7. You may live longer

8. Boost your memory

Reduce diabetes (which is similar to Dr. Mercola’s may protect against type 2 diabetes)

9. Increase endurance for athletes

Makes you happier (which is the same as Dr. Mercola’s may help lift your mood)

10. May help you focus, improve attention and logical reasoning

11. May help reduce the risk of MS (multiple sclerosis)

12. May kill bacteria that causes tooth decay (if you drink black coffee, no sugar added)

13. May reduce the chances of skin cancer

14. May promote healthier DNA

The Atlantic’s The Case for Drinking as Much Coffee as You Like had these to share:

15. May protect the liver

16. May prevent Alzheimer’s disease

17. May function as a pain reliever

18. The diterpenoids in unfiltered coffee may raise good cholesterol and lower bad cholesterol

19. Protect against some cancers

20. May reduce risk of fibrosis

21. May keep you awake during road trips

22. May provide mild (and legal) doping effect on a weight-training regimen

23. Upping coffee intake may help you stay sober

From, Jonathan Galland JD wrote 8 Science-Backed Reasons to Drink Some Coffee Everyday. We added a few from his list which is not listed so far:

24. May improve sexual health

25. May reduce sun damage to eyes

26. May promote strong muscles

An article by Excellent Reasons to Drink More Coffee at Work (Or Anywhere Really) had these reasons:

27. Contains essential nutrients like B2, B3, B5 and Potassium

28.  Helps fight depression

29. May boost both mental and physical performance

30. May boost metabolic rates

From Pop Sugar, we found another list of reasons to drink coffee. Read their article Here’s Why You Can (and Should!) Sip a Cup of Joe Every Day. Here are some of the reasons listed in the article:

31. It keeps you regular, simply, it helps you poop!

32. May fight against gallstones

Runner’s World has 8 Reasons to Sip on Coffee and here are the reasons why:

33. It wakes you up and energizes your workout

34. May power up your performance

35. Lowers risk of heart disease has 10 Healthy Reasons to Drink Coffee, and we have one listed below from the article:

36. May guard against gout

37. May reduce the risk of prostate cancer has a list of 9 Healthy Reasons of Drinking Coffee too. We’ve included the following in our list:

38. May lessen inflammation

39. May prevent headaches

40. Coffee makes the world better (CoffeeSphere)

41. Coffee gives you strength

42. Coffee gives you the reason to sit back, relax and people watch

From around the web we found more reasons to drink coffee:

43. Coffee makes your smarter (from Reader’s Digest 5 Foods to Make You Smarter)

44. Lowers risk of breast cancer coming back after treatment (from Women’s Day 6 Healthy Reasons to Drink Coffee)

45. Lowers risk of death (from Women’s Day 6 Healthy Reasons to Drink Coffee)

46. Coffee contains magnesium and chromium which helps the body use hormone insulin to control glucose (from WebMD Health Benefits of Coffee)

47. Coffee breaks make you feel rejuvenated ( from Men’s Health 6 Surprising Health Benefits of Coffee)

Reasons from CoffeeSphere:

48. Coffee has aromatherapy benefits

49. Coffee makes you smile

50. Coffee makes you creative

Note: This article is for entertainment purposes only. We suggest you read all the articles listed and find out more about the drink we love.

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